Hello everyone, thanks for stopping by! We hope that everyone is staying safe and well as we work collectively to battle the COVID 19 Pandemic. Here at CBL we are doing our best to help prevent the spread. It is going to take patience, respect, and a collective global kindness to get through it. Before this all came to light here in the States, we had decided to take a much needed break in order to catch up on orders and then to do a bit of renovations to our workshop, in the hopes of enhancing our creativity and productivity. However, since we are in Altadena Ca, and part of Los Angeles county, our business is considered non-essential and we therefore cannot currently operate. In these uncertain times, we don't know what our production schedule will look like. We are still hopeful and excited for what's to come at CBL but we must exercise some patience and we hope that all of our wonderful customers will understand. If you've placed orders through March, we will do our best to get them to you as soon as possible once we can resume business and things return to some normalcy. We thank you for your patience. Please feel free to contact us via email at BohemianLeather@Gmail.com
May you all stay healthy and well. Be safe and be kind.
Lance & Marisol